By: April Carson
In Germany, attempting to flee from prison is legal. Every year, hundreds of prisoners try to escape, and many of them succeed. The German legal system takes a very different view of escapes than most other countries.
In other countries, prisoners who attempt to escape are often punished severely. In some cases, they may even be given a longer sentence. Some prisoners may even have their privileges revoked, receive significant penalties, or find themselves back in the same facility where they fled from. This is done to set an example and discourage other inmates from doing the same thing. But in Germany, the courts view escape attempts as a sign that the prisoner is not happy with their current situation. As a result, they are often given a reduced sentence or even released from prison altogether. Escaping from German or Austrian prisons is not against the law, but there is a catch: prison escapes are rarely shrugged off. A fugitive who destroys property, murders or assaults someone while escaping will be held accountable for those acts. They are considered a serious offense and the perpetrator can expect to face charges related to the escape, in addition to whatever sentence they were originally serving.
This lenient attitude towards escape attempts is due to the fact that the German legal system views imprisonment as a form of rehabilitation, rather than punishment. The aim is to reform prisoners, not to punish them. And if a prisoner is unhappy with their current situation, it is seen as a sign that they are not being rehabilitated.
This is not to say that prisoners in Germany have it easy. They are still required to obey rules and regulations, and escape attempts are taken seriously. But the fact that prisoners are given the opportunity to try and escape, and are not punished for doing so, shows that the German legal system has a different attitude towards imprisonment than many other countries.
Why isn't it a crime to flee from prison in Germany?
As we previously stated, the law governing prison escape dates back to 1880. In Germany, legislators determined that it is human nature to desire freedom or avoid being imprisoned and so made escaping from jail not illegal. But there are a few catches. It is still against the law for anyone else to assist a prisoner in breaking out of legal confinement.
Furthermore, if a prisoner causes any damage to anything such as sawing or bending bars, damaging walls or fences, or attacking anyone, they can be charged. It's for this reason that many German prison escapes are not neglected. Escape attempts can also have various negative consequences for those who try or complete the act. Prisoners who are caught in violation of their sentence do not have the option of being discharged early and may be subjected to harsher, or more stringent living circumstances while serving the rest of their sentence.
This is not to say that prisoners in Germany have it easy. They are still required to obey rules and regulations, and escape attempts are taken seriously. But the fact that prisoners are given the opportunity to try and escape, and are not punished for doing so, shows that the German legal system has a different attitude towards imprisonment than many other countries.
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About the Blogger:
April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on
To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav
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