By: April Carson
On Tuesday, the Baker County Sheriff's Office revealed that one of their own employees had been arrested due to a probe uncovering an illicit connection with an inmate. The investigation concluded that not only was contraband being provided by this employee to the prisoner, but also privileged information.
After a thorough investigation, the Baker County Sheriff's Office exposed that Evelyn Rhodes, an operator in the control room of the Detention Center for several years had formed an illicit relationship with one of its inmates.
In a public statement, Sheriff Joe Nguyen emphasized that the actions of this employee are not to be deemed as acceptable in any way. In addition, he said that they take these kinds of unacceptable violations very seriously and will always strive to protect those who are placed in their care. He further added that the Sheriff's office is committed to upholding law and order and that they will take prompt action to ensure justice is served.
According to the Sheriff's Office Facebook post, an inspection uncovered that Rhodes was giving contraband and exclusive knowledge to a prisoner which is only available for BCSO staff. Even worse - it seems this information hindered current investigations in progress.
Rhodes was immediately arrested and charged with tampering with evidence, introduction of contraband into a correctional facility, official misconduct, and willful denial or violation of duty.
The Sheriff's Office has investigated the matter thoroughly and is determined to hold accountable those who violate the law. This type of behavior should never be tolerated in any capacity.
On a fateful Friday morning, Rhodes was intercepted by inspectors and detectives from the Sheriff's Office as she arrived on-site. After facing an interrogation from the investigators, Rhodes was subsequently apprehended by jail staff in accordance with BCSO.
The Baker County Sheriff's Office will continue to monitor and investigate each and every allegation of misconduct, as it is their priority to ensure the safety of inmates and staff within the jail facility. They are committed to upholding the law at all times, no matter who may be involved. Rhodes' arrest is a testament to their dedication to upholding the law and ensuring that justice is served.
At 58 years of age, Rhodes is facing a felony charge for illegally divulging confidential criminal justice records and two lesser misdemeanor charges for smuggling contraband into the detention facility. If convicted, Rhodes could face serious jail time.
In light of the charges, Baker County Jail is taking a zero-tolerance stance on any inappropriate behavior. They are initiating an internal review to ensure that their procedures are being adhered to and will take appropriate disciplinary action where needed.
The specifics of the case remain unknown and no further information has been released by the Sheriff’s Office. However, this incident has raised an alarm among many in the community, who are calling for greater oversight measures to better protect inmates from such forms of misconduct. In response to these concerns, it is likely that the Baker County jail will implement stricter regulations in the near future.
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April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on
To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav
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